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Cosmonauts deploy radar on Nauka module — Roscosmos video

MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko (TASS special correspondent) and Nikolay Chub have managed to deploy a small-size radar outside the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module during an extravehicular activity (EVA). The process was streamed on the Roscosmos website.
The cosmonauts installed the device for observing the Earth’s surface during their previous spacewalk on October 26, but attempts to unfold it automatically and then manually were unsuccessful.
Now Kononenko and Chub are to install the equipment of research experiments Kvartz -M and Perspektiva-KM outside the module Poisk. If the cosmonauts have enough time left, they will dismantle the container with research equipment Biorisk-MSN from the module Poisk and deploy the pressure and deposition control unit on the same module. The cosmonauts are expected to spend 6 hours and 36 minutes outside the orbital outpost.
This spacewalk under the ISS program is the first in 2024. The exit hatch of the Poisk module was opened at 5:57 p.m. Moscow time (2:57 GMT).
